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Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Troupe A Performs at the HCC 20th Anniversary Celebration December 12, 2012 in Saint Paul.
Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Troupe B Performs at the HCC 20th Anniversary Celebration, December 12, 2012 in Saint Paul.
Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Players Perform October 13, 2012 at the Hmong Resource Fair in Brooklyn Park, MN.
Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Players Perform June 22, 2012 at the HCC Annual Picnic Part 1
Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Players Perform September 1, 2009 at Leap Forward's Multicultural Community Celebration in Saint Paul
Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Players Perform November 9, 2008 at HCC Banquet in Saint Paul, Clip 1, Thank you to Seexeng Lee for filming and posting this videoclip.
Hmong Cultural Center's Qeej Players Perform at November 9, 2008 HCC Banquet in Saint Paul, Clip 2. Thank you to Seexeng Lee for filming and posting this videoclip.
In this clip, Meng Vang plays the song "Pluas" on the Hmong Qeej instrument. This song is part of the traditional Hmong funeral ceremony and is intended to help lead the spirit of the deceased to the afterworld (2005).
A Qeej class taking place at Hmong Cultural Center in Saint Paul. The class starts with an orally recited song which is then followed by the playing of the Qeej instrument. Instructor Ga Long Thao narrates about the role of the Qeej instrument in the Hmong funeral ceremony (Hmong Language) (2004).
Ger Xiong plays another Hmong funeral ceremony song on the Qeej Date Unavailable)(Donated by Nick Poss)